Monday, June 13, 2011

Highs and Lows Link party

Jennifer at Life, Crafts, and Whatever has a link party every week where she highlights her highs and lows of the week. It's fun to read and even more fun to link up. It's a great way to look back on our week and see how blessed we are. Let's show our fellow blogger some support and link up here...

Here are my highs and lows:


1. Went to the Star Wars Concert at the Hollywood Bowl last Saturday. It was a blast to see my little nephews reaction.

2. My wonderful sister in law paid for our Star Wars concert tickets. :)

3. I was hired to do an extra job at church which equals extra money...always a welcome thing.

4. Had fun shopping with friends. Discovered a GREAT scrapbook store in my very own city!

5. Reached my fundraising goal for the Relay for Life.


1. Did not feel well most of the week.

2. Had to get lab work done.

3. Results of said lab work...not good. :( Well, except for my cholesterol results...those were great! :)

4. Hmm...can't think of any more lows. It's always a good thing when the highs outweigh the lows.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! It's always awesome when the highs outnumber the lows. Your highs were pretty awesome! I'm sorry about your less than stellar lab results, here's hoping for another great week! Thanks for linking up!
