Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dinner for Wednesday

I had a great time today at Huntington Beach with my dear friend Gemma. I left beef stew cooking in the crock pot and left a note for Matthew to make some bread. You just can't beat a day at the beach and to come home to dinner cooking...well, that's just icing on the cake. Here are a few pictures...


  1. If you're going to post delicious looking photos you MUST include the recipe (ingredients, times, settings, etc)!!! :-)
    I'm so glad you're doing a blog. I love reading about Lidy's Creations. <3

  2. Well, if you must know...I'm actually working on a cookbook! :) I'm writing down all my recipes (I'm a toss it together person so this requires a lot of thinking) and then I'm turning it over to Matt who will put it together and we'll get it printed and hopefully people will buy it.

  3. I love a good beef stew on the crockpot! Thanks!

    Good luck on the cook book. I would recommend sharing recipes online to gain a following, then people will WANT to buy your cook book.
