Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hair (Obsession) Care

So anybody that really knows me, knows that I'm a little hair obsessed. I can't stand when I have fly aways or my part is crooked. When I walk into the market and they have that air blower thing that throws my thin hair out of drives me nuts. One of my biggest irritants is that my hair is constantly getting stuck on my lips. ARGH! I always have lipstick or Blistex on so there's never a time when my lips aren't "sticky".

I've had short hair for most of my adult life and have been growing it out for two years. It's about mid back right now and I'm liking it except when it's hot. Anyway, I'm on the lookout for new styles that are easy and cute.

I don't know how I found this blog but I LOVE it.

Amongst all the cute stuff, she has this 30 days of different hairstyles! As of today, she's on day 7. Check it out!

Happy Hairstylin' !


  1. Thanks for the shout out!! It's been so super fun! And I'm glad you've liked it so far- it's hard!! Your blog is way cute ps!

  2. Abby has wonderful staight looking hair. Mine is thin and wavy.

    Dee :-)

  3. I hate my hair in my face and when it goes flyaway too!! had it short for years and now am growing it out into a short bob at the moment. Love your blog :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!
